How To Do Pinterest Keyword Research In 2021 Tutorial? New Pinterest Keyword Tool Review

Is there a keyword research tool for Pinterest, similar to multiple tools that exist for Google SEO? This is one of the questions I was asked all the time on this channel. And finally, in today's video, I can introduce you to an actual Pinterest keywords research software that can be very helpful when you're trying to understand which keywords are popular and Pinterest. I'm a Pinterest marketing expert, a full-time blogger and an online business educator. And if you want to learn more from my tutorials, then subscribe to this channel and hit the Bell button to get notifications as soon as my new videos go live. Let me give you a bit of background info here so that you understand why I'm so excited about this new tool. Historically, Pinterest was never generous, providing any data about the keyword search volume on their platform. But in the last year or so, keyword research became even harder for us because they removed these colorful boxes with thatrelated words and keyword suggestions under the search bar. We also had another tool which was available inside the advertising cabinet on Pinterest, and that tool shows popular keywords. But in most cases, the search volume appears to be five plus million for all the keywords, which just doesn't make sense and cannot be realistic. So yes, we could get some keyword ideas from this tool in Pinterest ad Cabinet. But still, it wasn't clear how to evaluate which keywords are popular more than the others. Now, I have to mention right away that this video is not sponsored by the company that developed an inspector, which is the software that we will use for keyword research on Pinterest today. I do have my affiliate link to the software in the description below the video, and if you use my link, you will get a special discount that I arrange with the software developer. And if you do use my link, thank you for your support. I really appreciate it. Anyway, there is no extra cost for you and you get a special pricing through my link. So let's start with a general overview of Pin Inspector. First of all, since so many of you were looking for something similar to Google keyword research tools, I have to tell you that this one looks really attractive price wise because most of the advanced keyword research tools for Google, they will charge you a monthly fee. And here you're paying just once when you download the first time you just purchase. It's a one time fee and then you can use the software once you install it on your computer. So if you compare it with the monthly fee for Ahrefs, for example, then they will charge you a hundred dollars a month. And that's on their basic, the most standard and like the cheapest plan on Ahrefs. And also, I want to note here that this is not the only and not the first software developed by this company. And if you look at their home page, you will find that that they have a lot of keyword research tools for different markets. For example, they have a keyword research tool for a tool for Etsy sellers and in general for e-commerce stores, for drop shipping. So this company has a history and they really know what they're doing with all this keyword research tools. And I was also glad to see that Pin Inspector works with both Windows and Mac computers, usually software in a similar price range. They are only available for Windows computers and I usually do most of my work on the Mac computer. And I was really pleased by the quality of the product in general, because for such a new software, it's a really great surprise to see that once you complete the purchase, you will find inside. The developer of the software prepared very detailed tutorials on each section and the feature of software. And I suggest that you watch all this videos to really understand the full capacity of the software and you will see that the videos, they take almost the entire online video course. It's about 19 videos and I think each one of them is about seven to 10 minutes on average. So definitely if I wanted to make a full tutorial here, it wouldn't fit into a format of YouTube video. But anyway, the developer already gave you all the detailed tutorials that you will ever need for this for using this tool.

So what I will do here in this video, I will just show you really quickly a few of my favorite features and I will make a little disclaimer for full transparency, but we will get there in a few minutes about that disclaimer. First, let me show you how cool is this keyword research feature. You don't only get a huge list of keywords that come from Pinterest suggestions, but you also can filter them by popularity. So you just need to look here on the left column. You have this column and you'll notice here that they have this numbers one to one. So. Then they have three, four or five skewers that have ranked number one are the most popular, and we can get a list of 50 or 100 of cures that are the most popular, the cures that show up first, insert suggestions on Pinterest. So you see, you just need to click on the rank this column and it will filter them by the ranks. So you will just see number one then all the keywords number to all the keywords with the ranked number three and so on. And the other great feature that I wanted to show you is when you're using This pin stap, you can search for the most popular pins for search for a specific search phrase. So we're looking for the same keyword vegan recipes. And here what we can do if you look at the right top corner is a button called columns. So if I click on this one, I can check or uncheck as many columns as I want is I want because right now we have so many. I think it's over 40 columns. It's all the data that can possibly be taken from Pinterest. But maybe we don't want to look at all this column. So we want something more convenient so we can just click on this button here and remove like we can uncheck all the columns first and then only check the ones that we want to have. So if I want to filter them only by the number of Repins, we'll just look at the Repins. And if I click on the column, it will filter them and will show us from the top to the bottom. So this will show first the bins that have the maximum number of Repins. If I want to see how many saves it gets or some how many comments it gets, we can filter all of this. There are some other metrics like Engagement's when people give this Lileks or love things. And while different types of engagements for Video pins or for Story pins, you can filter that by then. By that metric as well. You can you have lots of them. Look, you can even filter by the domain name, by the side name, etc. So you need a really if you really want to dig deep into the results of this top pins, you can actually do a lot of research here and even see the names of the boards to which they were they were saved or the creator name or even if you want, you can see piña follower's. 

How To Do Pinterest Keyword Research In 2021 Tutorial? New Pinterest Keyword Tool Review

So you can you can see how many followers does the user who save This pin half. And you will notice the correlation between the pins that are the most popular by Seif's and Repins. And you'll see that their follower numbers are also pretty high. But it doesn't mean that it always happens that way. Sometimes you'll see that there's a with only 42 saves, but the Pinart has quite a lot of followers, so it all depends. But for the most the most top, top, top popular repins by Repins and by number of saves and repins, you'll see that they're pretty popular accounts by the number of followers. So that's that goes to the question of whether or not followers currently matter on Pinterest the death. There is definitely some correlation between popularity of pins and the number of followers. It doesn't mean that as a new account, I don't have a chance to rank on Pinterest you do have because it's a search engine, but it matters how many followers you have. And actually I have another video on my channel quite recently with some updated views of mine on the topic of following numbers on Pinterest. And I'll link that video in the top right corner so you can watch that as well and see how you can work on growing your following numbers organically without, you know, getting filtered as a spam account. And then another filter that you can only work on if you click, for example, on this Web browser and scrape here, you will see this popup window and here you can filter by type. So you can see if you want to see only organic pins, it will be called pins only or you can select ads only. So this filter allows you to see all the promoted pins for the specific keyword and you will see basically the Pinterest ads that show up for the skewered and the Trank really well. And on top of that, you will see their performance so you can filter the results and then see how many saves they have, how many comments or repins or whatever, how many engagements this ads are getting. So you're basically spying on some of your competitors for the specific keyword in Pinterest ads in promoted beans. And now it's the time for this little disclaimer I mentioned earlier is that an inspector is not an official Pinterest partner at all. And providing your login details for your account to a third party is not in line with Pinterest guidelines. So if you want to analyze promoted pins or if you want to check this trend, stab over here. You have a Pinterest Trends tab. If you want to use these features Trends and if you want to see promoted pins, you will have to log in. And to avoid any issues with your Pinterest, you're actually used to actively used Pinterest account. What I suggest is. You use some dummy account, like just create an account for the sake of these tests and use the login details from that account here in the settings, also, depending on where you live, some of the features of the software might not be returning your any results. For example, Pinterest Trends tool, which I just showed you on that tool on Pinterest itself, is currently only available for the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. So if you tried to use Pinterest Trends feature in this software, then it will likely get, you know, results because if you live outside of this three countries, then Pinterest is not going to show you Pinterest trends basically even on Pinterest itself, not just in this software. Got it? So it's not the fault of the developer that it's not working this feature. It's just the fact that you're not living in one of these countries. So the software cannot extract this data from Pinterest because Pinterest doesn't show it to you on your computer. So you can probably try a proxy service or a VPN to hide your real IP address and you can use an IP from one of these three countries. So I'll give you a couple of links to smart proxy service and to a VPN service so you can try one of those and see if it helps you. If you really need to use Pinterest using an IP address in one of these countries. So it shows you the Pinterest trends. And then I wanted to show you even more exciting functionality of the software is that you can analyze Tobins ranked by Google in Google search results so you can click here and this tool will browse the software, will browse Google results and will find all the top things that aren't ranking high in Google for the keyword that you're looking for. For you to understand how this tool works, I actually recommend you to watch video number 10 on on this page. Once you purchase the software, you will just click on this video then and here in the video at around eleven minutes, something you will see how to do this research for from Google search results. You'll just insert site and then Pinterest dot com slash pin and then the keyword that you're looking for. And this tool will basically scrape all the pins that are ringing high for this keyword in Google search results, and it will give you all the Story pins here in the right column. So you can just copy and paste all those from the right column. And here you can see and he went back to the tab called pins, and he inserted all this URL. That's where he got from Google search results. He inserted them here and clicked analyze. And now he can analyze the top things that Google is ranking high for this keyword. And so you can analyze them the same exact way by looking at the most popular pins, by saves, Repins, etc. . So you're not only understanding, which means a ranking high on Pinterest itself, but you can also see how you can get Google traffic using Repins on Pinterest. That's really exciting for me. And if you look at the data that the software is showing you, things like the number of repins, the number of saves, all of this information currently is not shown on Pinterest itself. We used to have some of this numbers, like the Rich pin counts on particular pins previously, long ago, like years ago. But then Pinterest started removing this data. So people cannot analyze so easily just by looking at the pins, analyze which pins are more popular, which ones are not. So it made a competitor research much harder on Pinterest. But with this tool you can actually filter the results and see the pins that have the the top number of repins and see what makes this win and try to do something else that will improve the performance of your own pins on Pinterest. So I guess I'm not going to go into any further details. I just showed you my most favorite features. Like I said, there are a like exactly twenty videos in his library for this video tutorial, so it doesn't make sense and they are pretty long and detailed. So it doesn't make sense for me to try show you in this tutorial all this, all the stuff that you can do. But I think that you might be impressed by now, by the functionality that this software allows you to use and by amount of data that is otherwise completely hidden on Pinterest that you can extract and analyze based on this. And again, just check carefully the description down below, because I left there a link that gives you a special discount. I arranged it with the developer of the software that gives you special price for Pin Inspector so you can enjoy it on your computer.

How To Do Pinterest Keyword Research In 2021 Tutorial? New Pinterest Keyword Tool Review How To Do Pinterest Keyword Research In 2021 Tutorial? New Pinterest Keyword Tool Review Reviewed by mattkaydiary on 八月 05, 2021 Rating: 5


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