How to Advertise on Pinterest in 2021 | Learn to Set Up Promoted Pins

Hey, friends, do you want to try running ads or promoted pins on Pinterest, but kind of feeling confused as to how to even start it? Well, this video is for you because I will make a beginner level tutorial click by click so that you can set up your Pinterest ad account and start running your first ads on Pinterest by the end of this video. 

I'm a Pinterest marketing expert, a full time blogger and an online business educator, if you'd like to learn more for me, then click subscribe and hit the Bell button to get notified about my new tutorials on this channel when ads on Facebook are becoming so expensive, when lots of accounts are getting banned for no reason at all. I know people start looking for alternative platforms. Pinterest ads might be especially interesting for you if you're running an e-commerce business because Pinterest ads are still relatively cheap. It might be your case. Or maybe you're someone who is getting free traffic from Pinterest already. And maybe you're wondering if Pinterest ads could help you grow your traffic even faster. Now, I want to mention that I made another video on Pinterest ads about two years ago on this channel. But the thing is, Pinterest changed a lot in the interface and even the names of campaign times have changed since then. So that old video that is still quite popular when you search for Pinterest as a tutorial on YouTube, it became more confusing for viewers than helpful. So I will definitely link this new video to the old one. But I mentioned this here for another reason. I mentioned it so that you understand if something looks different on your screen in Pinterest ads dashboard. From how it looks on my screen share, it's likely because Pinterest moved on and updated the interface yet again. You know, I might be recording this video today and in a week from now, they change something in the interface. Right. So if something was different, you know why? If you're not sure what's going on, ask me in the comments below this video. In fact, it's the best place to ask me any questions. And I'm doing my best to publish updated video tutorials on this channel. So if you don't want to miss some of the newest stuff that I share, then again, click subscribe and the Bell button to get notifications from YouTube about my new videos. So to run ads on Pinterest, you must use a business account. I have a separate video on my channel. I'll link to it when I explain how to set up a business account. A business account on Pinterest is free, so you just need to follow a few steps to start the account to set up all the things correctly. If you just Google Pinterest ads availability or Pinterest ads country list, you will find a page like this and you will see the full list of the countries where Pinterest ads are currently available. It's a pretty big list, but obviously not all the countries in the world are here in this list. If your country is not on the list, but you still want to try and run Pinterest, that's just as a workaround.

You could probably try to run ads if you have a billing information in one of these countries. So, again, it's not easy if you don't reside in one of those countries to have a bank account with an active credit card there. But if it's your situation or maybe your company, so you you have the option to run ads with a billing address from another place, from one of these countries, maybe it's going to work for you. Now, let's have a look at what do we have here under this astep so we can create an ad. This is an overview tab. The most interesting is the reporting tab. That's where you will look at all your stats specifically for each ad, something like these with with pricing and how many clicks you're getting, etc. then custom reports about I will just make a very quick general overview because we we're going to go click click through creating one of the ads. It's interesting setting here about conversions. This is something that you have to set up between Pinterest and your website, depending on which platform you use. It could be a website on WordPress. Let me just show you it could be a site working on Shopify, any platform that you use. Usually there are some instructions on how to set up this Pinterest tag. So when you just start setting up the stack, you will need to choose one of those options. You can use partner integration. And if you choose this, you'll see what other existing partner integration right now, for example, Google tech manager, if you know what what it is, if you know how to use it, we could easily set up Pinterest through Google tag manager for Shopify. Pinterest has lots of integrations, so it's easy for Shopify users. And you can see other integrations right here, WordPress as well. So base code, it has to be on your side. You can also just manually add this base to code to your site. And if you choose this option, they explain where it has to be. That's how it looks. And it has to be in the had section of your site. Probably you could do this manually if you know what you're doing. Another option is just to send instructions to your developer. And the second thing that you might want to use is configuring events. Code events are events like for people who signed up. We maybe for people who converted on the side, meaning that they bought something on your side so that you can also either install through Google Tech Manager or you can also choose how to manually set it up on your site and they give you lots of instructions. Usually this works for e-commerce sites because you have here information about your car, check out pages and so on. Let's show some love for today. Sponsor Smarthigh-qualityProxy. It's one of the fastest growing proxy providers to date. They sell high quality proxy plans with over 40 million IPsninety-five in more than a hundred and ninety five locations worldwide. Let's say you're managing Pinterest accounts for a lot of clients. Maybe you even run a marketing agency. I know from some of my subscribers that these travel management accounts from some countries, when their clients location is in the United States, for example, SmartProxy Pinterest profiles allow you to open a Pinterest account using an IP address in the United States and avoid any potential issues related to your real location.

That just one use case I mentioned, because I talk about Pinterest marketing on my channel a lot. But of course you can use this proxies to do market research, scraping, ad verification, affiliate testing, SEO travel fair and all social media hype. They also offer a handy proxy extension for Chrome that will bring your essential proxy session features right into your browser. You can even use X browser. It's their new multi profile anti detection management tool that will let you use many browsers at the same time risk free. So I'm ready to armor up, start using SmartProxy by clicking the link in the description below. If you use my special promo code, you will get your first 15 percent discount for the plan of your choice. Again, check the link in the description down below. Another quite interesting thing that you might not even expect on Pinterest that it's that you can create audiences. So audiences, it's actually something pretty easy to setup. You can create an audience based on people who visited your site that's tracked by this Pinterest tag that you just I talked about. And you can also upload a list of customers, maybe someone just your email list, for example, engagement audience or people who engaged with your repins from your domain and to act like audience. It's something that works actually with the Facebook ads as well. It's basically Pinterest finds users who behave similarly to people who already interacted. Either they look, if I click next, it will they will say that you can choose people from the source audience. So you basically just need first to have some source audience to create this look alike. Well, the other things like bullying, obviously will set that date, set it up easily. Catalog's, it's something for e-commerce sites. So I'm not going to explain that deep the information right now in this video. But I wanted to show you how you're going to create one ad so you can just follow click by click and basically just have your first ad created by the end of this video. So when we're looking at the options, you will see here that they by default, they suggest consideration. They call it consideration type of campaign, formally called traffic, meaning that here you're driving just people driving clicks from Pinterest to your website. I don't recommend you experimenting a lot with awareness options because they are usually for bigger brands who have very big budgets. For that, conversions will probably not be available just yet if you are just starting a new account, because that's only available if your account has some history based on traffic campaigns. So you need to raise the number of conversions and Pinterest needs to learn something about your website and in the visitors and then you can start running conversion campaigns. So we'll have to start with consideration campaigns anyway. So when you're creating a campaign, you can change a name of the campaign to anything that will be easy for you to recognize. It will remember later when you're looking at your account. So when you just starting, I recommend you to set a maximum spend per day. 

How to Advertise on Pinterest in 2021 | Learn to Set Up Promoted Pins

You could start with, for example, with ten dollars. Well, just keep the options that they suggest. Unless you really if they if you choose, run continuously, it should work for anything that's not limited to a specific season or holiday. If it's a campaign for some holiday, then you definitely need to run on specific days. Now will continue. And here you will see I'm not going to change names off of this campaign, an ad group, but you should definitely do it for yourself when you start actually creating an ad. Now, let's look at the options for targeting so you will see that you can reconnect with users, meaning that you will retarget people who have interacted with your brand in. Here, if you select this option, you can choose audiences from site visitors, you can choose people who already engaged with the Repins that are linked to your claim domain and you can also upload. So this is related to audiences, right? I showed you before how to create this audiences the other way. So I chose to reconnect with users. Right. But if I choose new customers, let's say this, I will choose that. I want to reach new customers in here. I have keywords to select. And here for for Pinterest, you can also if you click on this keywords, you'll see that inside you have interests. And so you can just go ahead and see what are the most popular interests that Pinterest already categorized and choose something from those. But I also recommend you to add keywords. And actually the best way to go is either use Pinterest or keywords. When you use both of these things, sometimes it leads to narrowing down your audience to much. So let's say that I want to run on that about blogging. You will see here some monthly search volumes which don't look any realistic to me. So just disregard these numbers. Anything here is probably a popular keyword so you can go had an all and use most of them. Or of course, it's important to read like, for example, Twitter tips. I don't care about this, so I will not use that keyword blogging one one. It works. The blog doesn't make any sense. What kind of keyword is that? Right. So I'm going to skip that. But you can go ahead and add as many as you want. They recommend actually for the best results and minimum of 25 keywords. You can go and add as many as you want. It could be even a hundred or 200 keywords if you wish. And you'll notice that the more keywords you're adding, probably you'll notice here that the monthly active ads audience is going to increase. It's actually increasing as I'm clicking over here. So you will see that it helps, really helps. If you add more keywords, you need to also pay attention to what's going on here with the with the other settings because it will let me go there. The genders you see, by default, it sets in my case, it depends on the settings of your account. It said to all US locations, because usually that's where the audience that I'm targeting. But I really recommend you pay attention to what countries are selected here at you. You never know what's going to be selected by default. I mean, if you leave, let's say like like I do in Portugal, it might choose by default Portugal. But I want to show ads and to users in the United States, you can also be here, just English language to be more clear about what kind of audience you want to bring.

And then you need to choose the actual ad. So the ad on Pinterest is basically Europeans so you can go and choose something that you had. You can. I can. In my case, since I want to make an ad about blogging, I'm going to search for any of my opinions about blogging. Let's say I want to promote this blogging block planner. Actually, This pin already has all the titles and descriptions are necessary, but you can definitely before creating an app, you can actually create a your pin and and make sure that the keywords are there. And if you don't understand what I'm even talking about, what kind of keywords, then you just need to watch one of my videos about Pinterest SEO. I'll give you a link in the info. I can send in the description below the video. You can actually select several repins if you want, and that will create different ads from it. Let's say I'm going to select these to Repins and if I click launch, the ad will start running. I'm not going to do that because it was just a test so you can see how everything works. Now, let me go back and just show you one little detail that I forgot to mention when I was talking about potential audience size. So I recommend you before starting your ad, make sure that you are as close as possible to the middle here. It's not too narrow. It's not too broad. Is somewhere in the middle. If anything, it should be a little bit higher than medium, because if you if you choose a very narrow audience, likely either you add will not be shown to anyone at all or you will get very few clicks and it will not be enough for Pinterest to even make any conclusions about what kind of people like your your ads and your clicks will cost you more. And in general, your growth and Pinterest will be much slower. So when you see that your audience is still kind of narrow, like in this case, I would need to go back and add as many other keywords related to this ad as possible in order to increase the audience size. So I guess for. These tutorial, that's it, but I just wanted to tell you that you don't have to only rely on ads when you're running on Pinterest actually the majority of traffic, the the biggest amount of traffic that you can get from Pinterest, it's going to be the free traffic from this platform. I'm running my Pinterest account with over 10 million monthly viewers, and I get lots and lots of traffic to my website when we're not talking about him. Only monthly viewers on Pinterest or impression's on Pinterest. We're talking about real traffic that goes to my website and I talk about all of this in my Pinterest master class. It's a free master class. I'll give you a link also in the top right corner and in the description below this video, I also have a course focused on organic free traffic from Pinterest. It's called Pinterest SEO Traffic Secrets. So I'm going to also give a link to that course in the top right corner. And in the description below the video, you can just go head to the course page and see for yourself what are the results of some of my students that they shared on this page with some screenshots. And you will see how Pinterest can really become a great traffic source and free traffic source for your for your website.

How to Advertise on Pinterest in 2021 | Learn to Set Up Promoted Pins How to Advertise on Pinterest in 2021 | Learn to Set Up Promoted Pins Reviewed by mattkaydiary on 八月 05, 2021 Rating: 5

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