How to Get Free Catalog Items Roblox

in this article i will show you how to get catalog items in roblox for free. that's right catalog items for free you'll get to be as fashionable as you want for free 

so that means you don't have to waste any robux but before that let me tell you the five lucky winners who got 5 000 robux you can each them on the screen right now congratulations all of them will get 5 000 robux into their account and they can spend it however they want they can buy new game passes they can buy clothes they can buy whatever they want 5 000 ropes that's a lot 

okay so i host this giveaway every single video so every single new video i make i announce five winners do you want to be a winner of course you do so in order to join this giveaway all of them are really expensive but we don't want to spend money right 

we only want three so that's very easy to do so first of all let's go to view all items right now and then we put from low to high that's it here you can see all the free stuff that you can get t-shirts or even shirts or heads or items this shirt is pretty cool and also you can change the category so let's go to accessories you see all these cool hats like colorful braids we see different hats like this you see jade necklace aviators 

you know all these awesome items all of them are free this one is pretty nice and this one i really like this one then just change the category you want a clothing here you go free t-shirts you want literally anything anything you want can be found free not collectibles of coins but accessories definitely and t-shirts too and also if you don't want to spend money you can just make your own t-shirt you don't even need to have premium for that you can create a t-shirt yourself here 

let me show how okay so we are in the create tab and now we go to t-shirts so as you can see all you have to do is create your own t-shirt you just choose your own file you know you just make your own file that's easy you type the name in and that's it you re upload a shirt that you can wear yourself so you can either get it from the avatar shop or you can make one yourself that's really easy so that's pretty much it thanks for watching make sure to join my giveaway for 5 000 books.

How to Get Free Catalog Items Roblox How to Get Free Catalog Items Roblox Reviewed by mattkaydiary on 七月 18, 2021 Rating: 5


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