Genshin Impact character lore is really great, but if you wanna get all of it you gotta read a lot. Hours in fact. You might not have that kinda free time but I do, so here’s a quick rundown of the lore for every playable character in Genshin Impact that hails from Mondstadt. Just to give you an idea, each of these are over a thousand words long, and I’m condensing them into a few hundred. Timestamps are below.
Amber is the Knights of Favonius’ famous outrider. She is energetic, capable in battle, quick to lend a hand, and is always striving to become stronger. She is also Mondstadt’s Gliding Champion, but she does not happen to be as good at cooking food. The outriders are a group of capable people who work to protect Mondstadt and help its citizens. The founder is Amber’s grandfather, who was the leader of a mercenary group from Liyue Harbor, until one mission left him the sole survivor of a monster attack. Saved by a doctor from the Knights of Favonius, he joined their ranks in order to repay the debt. Amber and her grandfather had a very strong bond, and she knew when she grew up she wanted to be an outrider just like him. However, on one fateful day. Amber’s grandfather disappeared without a trace, leaving his belongings behind but not a note. Without any leadership, the outriders left one by one, leaving Amber to be the sole successor. Amber continued to work hard, with the hope that she would somehow learn about her grandfather’s whereabouts. She found no leads, leaving her quite distraught. She was able to find solace in an old book of fables, which taught her that she needed to find her own courage and forge her own path. When she realized this, she was granted a vision of Pyro.
Kaeya Alberich’s official title is Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius. He is mischievous, yet extremely charismatic and can often be found at the taverns making small talk. Kaeya is the type of person who works towards the end goal, not caring about what measures must be taken to get there. He is very talented in combat, but is just as capable of using his wits to outsmart is enemies instead. Kaeya is not actually originally from Mondstadt. He and his father were spies from Khaenri’ah, a region of Teyvat not under rule from The Seven. His father abandoned him in front of the Dawn Winery, telling him he was their nation’s last hope. He was soon found and taken care of by Crepus Ragnvindr, Diluc’s father. The two young boys were raised like brothers, with Kaeya always in support of Diluc’s successes. This all changed on the day a monster attacked Master Crepus, forcing him to use the power of a Delusion to defeat it. The Delusion granted him the power he needed, but in return it left him in incredible pain. Diluc took Crepus’ life to end his suffering, all while Kaeya watched from afar, regretting how he might have been able to save him if he had arrived earlier. Internally, Kaeya struggled with where his loyalty laid, with his homeland, or the people who cared for him? He later decided to come clean to Diluc about being a traitor, leading to an intense duel of fire and ice, as Kaeya’s Cryo Vision materialized. Since then, the two have gone their separate ways.
Lisa Minci is the librarian for the Knights of Favonius. The citizens of Mondstadt can clearly see that she is qualified for her position, but from the outside you wouldn’t know that she is incredibly lazy. She prefers to delegate work to others, keeping only the job of categorizing and managing books to herself. When Lisa first joined the Knights of Favonius, the Grand Master wanted to appoint her as Captain of the 8th Company. Despite everyone knowing her capability for the role, she turned it down because she didn’t want to accept the responsibility. Lisa was once a student of Sumeru Academia. Located in Teyvat’s dendro region, it is the leading institute of arcane arts and historical records. She found lots of success there, leading her to later be described as their best student in two hundred years. After seeing the lengths that some of her fellow students would go to for the sake of research, she eventually came to the conclusion that the pursuit of knowledge is endless, and that the sacrifices are not worth it. It was after this that she decided to return to Mondstadt. One day, during her studies, the thought occurred to her that she might need a vision to best understand the elements. Just like that, her Electro Vision appeared in her hand. She does not yet know the secrets of the Vision, but she teaches others about all kinds of things in hopes that they may uncover the truth.
Barbara Page is the Deaconess of the Church of Favonius as well as Mondstadt’s own idol. She is as bright as optimistic as they come, and although she can be clumsy at times, she pushes past it with a smile. Barbara always wanted to live up to the high expectation set by her older sister, Jean. Barbara, knowing the value of hard work and effort, strived to surpass her sister in something, anything, but was never able to. Because of this, she had many doubts about her own ability. One day when Barbara had just joined the church, she was caring for a little boy with a strong fever. The boy, who had no family around, was restless. Since he had already taken his medicine, someone suggested Barbara sing a song to put him at ease. Although Barbara had never sung before, she could not abandon a person in need. She sang the only song she knew, a lullaby. When she realized she did not know the lyrics, she hummed. She repeated the song until her throat was dry and they both fell asleep. Barbara awoke with a Hydro Vision next to her, but she was more concerned with the little boy who had begun to feel better. From then on, she wanted to use the power of song to heal others. Simon Page, Barbara’s father, adventurer, and the Cardinal of Daybreak for the Church, helped her become a healer for the wounded. Alice, who you might know as Klee’s mom, taught Barbara what idols are by showing her magazine. Her songs did not see immediate success with people of Mondstadt, as the popular songs of the region were only folk songs sung by bards. However, with time, the City of Freedom began to embrace this new style, while still having appreciation for its old culture. Barbara still has doubts if she is doing enough to help people, but the smiles of others encourage her to keep going.
Razor is a boy who lives in Wolvendom with his wolf pack. He has no recollection of his real parents, and only remembers life with the wolves. They took him into their lupical, meaning family, and so Razor has a strong relationship with each and every wolf. By living in the wild he has acquired many practical skills, including a keen sense of smell and knowing applications for wild plants. For a long time, Razor knew he was different from those he lived with, but it did not bother him. One day, Varka, Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius, found Razor. He gave Razor his name and taught him how to use a sword. While reluctant at first, Razor eventually made his way to visit Mondstadt. He learned about human life from Lisa, and made a treasured friend in Klee, who he calls the “Red Burny Girl”. Razor got his Electro Vision on a stormy day, when he was ambushed by an Abyss Mage and was to be taken away. The wolf pack ran to help him, but they were no match for the Abyss Mage. Watching his lupical get killed in front of his eyes, Razor’s fury burst into fearsome lightning. He was able to attain victory, but at the greatest cost. Knowing he still has a long way to go, Razor continues to study and become stronger so that next time, he will not fail to protect his friends.
Fischl is a young teenager who is the investigator for the adventurers’ guild. But before she was Fischl, she was Amy, a little girl who had two very busy adventurers for parents. To pass the time alone, she would often visit the library and get lost in the idea of other universes. On one rare occasion when her parents were home, they asked her about the books she read. She told them about her favorite series, Flowers for Princess Fischl. Her father playfully suggested he call his daughter Fischl from then on, and this made her incredibly happy. Her deep love for fantasy novels distanced her from her peers, but the father’s words helped give her confidence. On her fourteenth birthday she was again ridiculed for her quirks, but Fischl knew her parents would be on her side. However, instead of giving comfort, her parents simply asked that she put her childish dreams behind her. Completely heartbroken, Fischl hid away in the library and cried. Suddenly, an Electro Vision and the raven known as Ozvaldo von Hrafnavines appeared before her. Oz is a character from Flowers for Princess Fischl, but somehow thanks to Fischl’s powers, he materialized into a real consciousness. Fischl soon became the adventurers’ guild’s investigator due to her parents’ recommendation. Now, she continues to assume the identity of Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort, who hails from another world called the Immernachtreich. She was always respected in the guild for her ability to do reconnaissance with Oz, but recently she has been able to make a few friends in Bennett, the Traveler, and Paimon, who accept her for who she really is.
Bennett of the Adventurers’ Guild is the leader of Benny’s Adventure Team, but he also happens to be the only member of said adventure team. Typically in the Guild a team is required to have 3 or 4 regular members, but Katheryne granted Bennett special permission out of pity. The other people who would have made up the rest of the team all deserted after instances of extremely bad luck. None of the incidents were ever Bennett’s fault, but they just didn’t want to be around him. Bennett’s origin remains somewhat of a mystery. A veteran adventurer who was battered by the harsh elements finally reached the end of his journey, to find only a baby. He was confused as to how the baby was able to survive up to this point, but he still accepted the baby as his treasure. The old adventurer died before he could tell his tale, so several single, childless, old adventurers from the Mondstadt Guild named the baby Bennett, and raised him as their own. As such, Bennett refers to each of these men as “Dad,” taking care of them as they once did for him. Bennett is not afraid of death and has a high tolerance for pain, making him one to rush into things without thinking. To patch himself up, he keeps the bandages that his Dads, Barbara, and Katheryne give him in his utility pouch. This also makes him feel like everybody is by his side. He received his Pyro vision while adventuring, during a time of almost certain despair. As Bennett slowly bled out, he decided if he were to go down he would at least finish his journey. Except when he did, he found nothing at all. As his consciousness slowly faded, Bennett simply thought to himself that unlike how others might react, he didn’t mind this outcome. When he woke up, his wounds were patched up with burns, and a Pyro Vision pulsed in his hand.
Noelle is a maid for the Knights of Favonius who hopes to one day become an official knight. Although she is not yet able to pass the selection trials, she continuously studies to get there one day. Noelle is always ready to lend a helping hand to anyone in need, and is often quite excessive about it without realizing it. She will sacrifice herself completely for the sake of others, with one instance leaving her bed ridden for three days. Out of concern, the Knights of Favonius fabricates jobs for her to do in order to keep her out of harm's way. Physically, Noelle has incredible strength, although her pacifistic nature means she typically uses it to only help people. Noelle’s strength quickly dulled 10 of Wagner’s swords, until he finally made a claymore tough enough for her. In Mondstadt, a rose symbolizes the phrase “my lips are sealed. Noelle decorates her outfit with many of them made from red cloth. This is a reminder to herself to never share the secrets of the Knights of Favonius. She received her Vision the day she failed her selection test for the seventh time. With an exhausted body, she began to heavily doubt herself. Unexpectedly, at that moment she encountered Acting Grand Master Jean, who was responsible for the selection process. Noelle instantly reacted with a precise knight’s salute, but was embarrassed about what Jean might think of her. Jean simply stopped and returned the salute. This recognition of hard work returned her confidence that she would become a Knight one day, while also granting her a Vision of Geo.
Sucrose is an alchemist and the assistant of Albedo. But where Albedo often researches the creation of new life, Sucrose is more concerned with the modification of existing life. As such, she has done extensive work on sweet flowers and sunsettias to make them produce more and stay fresher for longer. Sucrose will work tirelessly to find the answer to any questions she has, however experimentation often leads to even more questions. This doesn’t bother her in the slightest however, as she much prefers the busy nature of research over relaxation. There is one thing that Sucrose is not so adept at though, and that would be social interaction. Unlike with science, trial and error cannot lead to a clear answer when it comes to dealing with others. And because she is too scared to make errors in the process of practicing socializing, she avoids conversation with others. Sucrose had a rather normal childhood, and her longest memory from that time is the story she heard about a wonderful paradise. She and her two best friends promised they would visit this land which had tall stacks of pretty pink flowers, with fairies and unicorns all around. But as time went by, one friend left on an adventure with her parents and never returned, and the other became distant after they lost their father to an illness. Although Sucrose no longer had these friends by her side, she wanted to honor their past friendship by creating her own paradise using alchemy, which she just discovered through a book she was reading. Perhaps if she was successful, her two best friends would return. Sucrose received her Anemo vision on an average day of experimenting with simmering dandelion seeds. However this time when she looked in the cauldron to see the results, next to the black dandelion seeds laid her Vision. But unlike what most would do, she didn’t extract the vision and instead opted to experiment with the possible reactions that a vision could have with dandelion seeds. Although this produced nothing, her vision would later aid her in future bio-alchemical studies.
Jean Gunnhildr is the Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius. She received the title half a year before the Traveller visited the city of Mondstadt, when Grand Master Varka decided to go on a far away expedition with the elite knights. However, as second-in-command she had already been doing a lot of work for the organization. Jean is respected for her reliability and her willingness to do anything to help the people of Mondstadt. This often leaves Jean with a packed schedule, but she doesn’t mind. The Gunnhildr Clan is a famous lineage of knights whose motto is “For Mondstadt, as always.” Her mother, Fredrica Gunnhildr, instilled the values of strength and protection which Jean lives by. Jean inherited the title of “Dandelion Knight,” also known as Liontooth Knight, at the age of 15. She doubted if she would be able to live up to the title which symbolized the legacy of Vennessa, the founder of the Knights of Favonius and savior of Mondstadt. On that day, she visited the great tree at Windrise, which is the last thing Vennessa physically left behind before ascending to a god. The wind around her seemed to blow away all her worries, so now she returns to the tree every time she needs to be reminded to stay strong so she can protect her people. Jean received her Anemo Vision back when she was recently promoted from a squad captain to master of knights. By leading the knights to fight off the Abyss Order while simultaneously resisting diplomatic pressure from the Fatui, she proved she was capable of being a defender of Mondstadt.
Diluc Ragnvindr is the owner of the Dawn Winery, making him a big figure in Mondstadt’s famous alcohol industry. It is thanks to this position that he is very wealthy and has access to all kinds of information passed through taverns. Diluc was once a Knight of Favonius, as per his father’s wishes. In fact, he was the youngest to ever be promoted to Cavalry Captain thanks to his hard work and dedication. He was used to receiving praise for his passion and courage, but his father’s encouragement motivated him the most. On one fateful day, Diluc and his father, Crepus Ragnvindr, were attacked by Ursa the Drake, an incredibly strong monster. Crepus, who was rejected from the Knights of Favonius and was never granted a Vision by the gods, used an unknown evil power to defeat the monster. It backfired, leaving Crepus badly wounded. He died in Diluc’s arms, and when Diluc returned to the Knights’ headquarters, Inspector Eroch insisted the incident be portrayed as an accident to maintain the reputation of the Knights of Favonius. Enraged by this request which trampled on Crepus’ faith in the Knights, Diluc resigned and left his Vision behind. He now swore to avenge his father’s death and find the truth of the power his father owned. He entrusted the winery to his head maid, Adelinde, and set on a journey all across Teyvat. He discovered that Delusions, counterfeit visions that could grant great power but could also backfire, were a creation of the Fatui. Diluc did not understand why his father had such an item. The Eleven Fatui Harbingers soon caught wind of Diluc’s investigation and nearly killed him, but he was saved by someone who was part of a vast underground intelligence network. He decided to join the network, and then later return to Mondstadt. His return went unnoticed however, as the people of Mondstadt were much more concerned with the appearance of the mysterious Darknight Hero, a vigilante who protected Mondstadt from the shadows.
Mona Megistus is an astrologist, who learned everything from a teacher only described as an old but high skilled female astrologist. She was sent by this teacher to go on an important journey to retrieve a confidential box from the daughter of Alice, her teacher’s rival and friend. Mona was explicitly warned not to look inside the box. When Mona arrived at her destination, Mondstadt, she found the daughter, Klee, but ended up accidentally reading the book that was supposed to be inside the box. Stumbling upon the dark history of her teacher’s youth, Mona understood that she could not return and had to stay in Mondstadt instead. Having no income, Mona struggled with living frugally, often cutting costs by eating very minimally. By chance the author of the “All Things Astrological” column in The Steambird met Mona, and looking to retire, he recommended her to the editor--in-chief. The Steambird is the mainline newspaper for the Court of Fontaine, the hydro region of Teyvat. Now that Mona had a monthly income you would think that she would amass some savings, but she instead chooses to spend her mora on cutting edge astrological technology. However, when approached about being poor, she will pridefully say that living frugally is simply a form of training to access the truth. Mona’s astrology utilizes hydromancy, through which she says she can see the reflection of the fates of people that shine in the night sky. She utilizes her power to tell precise fortunes, and when she does she does not hold back on reporting her findings. She quickly made friends with Albedo, who is also interested in learning about the principles of the world. He often wonders why she is so proud of her teacher’s reputation, yet she will often complain about “that old hag”. She originally received her Hydro Vision from her teacher as a teaching aid, but its power did not develop until the Gods’ blessing granted Mona her very own.
To the people of Mondstadt, Venti is a mischievous bard who came out of nowhere. He loves to drink alcohol, but isn’t always able to because of his childlike appearance. Because of this, he asks people to buy him a drink from the bar if they like his performances instead of giving him mora. Although sometimes, drinking while playing the lyre can end in disaster if his cat allergy causes him to sneeze. 2,600 years ago during the Archon War and before the rise of The Seven, the city known as Mondstadt was located in what is now known as Stormterror’s Lair. It was ruled by Decarabian, the God of Storms, who was feared by his people. During this time, Venti was a tiny elemental spirit who had just met a young lyre playing boy. The boy wished to see birds in flight, which he couldn’t due to the gales that surrounded old Mondstadt. The spirit Venti obtained an eagle feather to show to the boy, but in the end, he would never be able to deliver it. A war broke out in Mondstadt as its people revolted against Decarabian, and the boy died in battle fighting for freedom. It was at this moment, which the Anemo Archon Barbatos gained his power. He used this power to take the form of his friend, level the nearby mountains, and declare Mondstadt a kingless city of freedom. Barbatos left for 1,600 years, and was surprised to return to find Mondstadt being ruled by a different tyrant. After hearing the outcry of the slave girl Vennessa, they lead a successful rebellion to overthrow the aristocracy. Barbatos does not need a Vision to harness elemental power, as he has a Gnosis like the other seven archons. But if you look closely, you’ll see Venti has a Vision, which is just a fake. And because Venti cannot be bothered to carry a lyre with him, whether it be the Holy Lyre der Himmel or a normal one, he gave his fake Vision the ability to turn into the wooden lyre “Der Frühling”, meaning the spring.
Klee is a very special child. Not only because she is titled the Spark Knight within the Knights of Favonius, but because of her strange affection for live explosives. Three years ago, Klee was entrusted to the Knights of Favonius by her parents, one of which was the famed adventurer Alice, who wrote the popular Teyvat Travel Guide. Alice is Klee’s biggest role model, who passed on to Klee her own playful nature and love for explosives. A long time ago, Alice handmade a doll and gave it to Klee, telling her it would keep her company and protect her. Klee named the doll Dodoco, which has no real meaning. Since then the two have been inseparable. Klee’s parents left for somewhere dangerous and far away, but until they come back Klee wants to make her explosives into something her mother would be proud of. Albedo takes care of Klee the most, but all of the knights care for her. Jean however, mostly interacts with Klee when she is sending her to solitary confinement for blowing things up and causing destruction. Klee never intends to do bad things, it's just that her curious and playful nature leads her to act before she thinks. She does regret her actions and tries to help clean up her messes, but sometimes this can end up making things even worse than they were before. On the other hand, Klee has used her talents to help protect Mondstadt many times. On one instance, Klee managed to defeat a whole horde of invading hilichuls by herself, but she happened to go a little overboard and also blew up part of Stormbearer Mountains. Thus began the legend of the “Red Knight who could level all of Stormbearer Mountains. Klee ‘s Pyro Vision appeared right after she blew up her workshop using the first bomb she created all by herself.
Diona is the bartender of the Cat’s Tail. This rising star of a mixologist uses strange methods to create her cocktails, and that’s because she intends to make bad drinks. She hates Mondstadt’s wine industry and intends to take it down, but somehow her drinks will turn out delicious without fail. Diona’s father is Draff, the best hunter in Springvale and the leader of their huntsmen. To Diona, he is the perfect father, that is, unless he is drunk. To her, he becomes like “a wild boar rolling about in the mud.” And because she could never blame her father for his terrible drinking habits, it must be the fault of the wine. The first step to Diona’s plan was to get a job as a bartender. Margaret, the owner of Cat’s Tail, hired her because “She’s just too cute.” Margaret later gave Diona her signature cocktail shaker that has a cat’s tail on it. As for Diona’s feline features, that would be a result of her Kätzlein lineage. It is thanks to this blood that Diona and her father are so naturally good at archery, climbing, and more. The origin of Springvale comes from a legend which most do not believe. It stated that a “spring fairy” once saved a mother and son who had despaired beside a well by filling it with healing spring waters. People came to see for themselves and built the settlement which came to be Springvale, although nobody actually found the legendary water. Only a young Diona believed in the fairy, and so at night when her father was sleeping, she would speak to the spring. Thus, Diona made a strange friend who she could spend time with and talk to. On the night of Diona’s seventh birthday, the fairy showed up for one final time, stating “May your cup always run over with the sweet wine of celebration. May it always be refreshing as springs of ever-melting snow.” Never seeing the fairy again after that, Diona now thinks those memories were childhood dreams, but little does she know that was the origin for her blessing and curse. Diona’s father once went on a hunting trip and got caught in a storm that lasted for three days. The harsh weather stopped the Knights of Favonius from being able to save him. Not being able to bear the thought of having her father taken away, she used the powers of the Cryo Vision that was just bestowed upon her, and her impeccable tracking skills to save her father’s life.
Albedo is the Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius. He tends to avoid social interactions by constantly working, but he is very kind, especially when it comes to his assistants, Timaeous and Sucrose. Albedo’s master was Rhinedottir, a cold and strict woman who raised him and taught him the secrets of alchemy. The alchemy he learned is completely different from that which is studied in the seven nations of teyvat, because it originated from Khaenri'ah. It was an underground realm with little plant life, and so the alchemy focusing on creating life. This art of creation was known as “The Art of Khemia.” Under his master, all Albedo had to do was follow her and do as she said. Along the way, he developed a knack for art. Initially he was just illustrating his notes, but he soon found that the act of creating art was quite enjoyable. One day, deep inside a dungeon, Albedo and his master discovered an artifact known as the Heart of Naberius. After that his teacher disappeared, leaving behind a recommendation letter meant for her old friend Alice, her beloved copy of the classic literature Opus Magnum, a note, and the title of Kreideprinz. The title, meaning chalk price, was a sort of acknowledgement that she had nothing more to teach Albedo. The note told Albedo to go to Mondstadt, deliver the letter, and complete his final assignment: “show me the truth and meaning of this world.” The impossibility of this goal makes Albedo wonder if he is fated to never see his teacher again. Albedo eventually met Alice, who introduced him to Knights of Favonius. She also told him that they would be family from then on, and to treat Klee like a real younger sister. When Albedo received his Geo Vision, he barely cared at all. To him, it was just one more thing that he would eventually come to understand.
After reading all of these characters’ lores, I can tell you that they are amazing, and I really don’t do them justice with my summaries. Definitely go read up on your favorite characters if you get the chance. Please subscribe if you enjoyed, I will be making another video for the Liyue characters as soon as possible. That’s all, thank you so much for watching.
